Monday, October 08, 2007

Second verse same as the first

Well so on Friday I had a patient come in on for an evaluation and lo and behold I thinks they have a DVT. After a few moments of, "should I send her to the ER or not" i decide ER it is. I was worried about the whole situation b/c I did not want her to go through the whole ER process with hospital bill included and not have a DVT because she had only like 2 out 4 DVT signs. Hers were swelling and warm, but not pain with Dorsiflexion and a squeeze (she did c/o calf pain) and no redness or glossy appearance. BUT I had a feeling..........well good thing I listened to my feeling.......she did have one. ALSO, here is a scary fact.....she saw her Ortho MD on that Monday and told him she was having calf pain, but he told her it was a normal response after surgery. Two for two, baby!!!


LeslieTummel said...

go girl! K-rob would be so proud. I've caught 2 also! I sent one that was not a DVT, but I felt better after they ruled it out. :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Who was the ortho? I'll be sure to stay away from him! HA!

JSM said...

Way to go Dr Palmer! Way to stick the Belmont way to 'em! :)