Monday, December 11, 2006

Are you ready?

The other day I was doing a very mundane chore..I was getting my oil changed. As I sat in the waiting room a man came in a sat RIGHT next to me...practically ontop of me if you will. He made small talk but I was not in the talking mood. I just wanted to sit and be quiet. He eventually got around to asking me if I was ready for Christmas yet. I responded, "Sure." The lady on the other side of the man chirrped in with some long explaination of presents and such. He started talking to her an forgot all about me. I guess I wasn't meeting his words spoken quota.
His question got me thinking though. How do you get ready for Christmas? I am sure he meant buying gifts, but just what if there are families out there who only celebrate the truy meaning of the Christmas holiday. How do they prepare for or get ready for Christmas?
So I am on a mission this year to figure out how to "prepare" for Christmas.

oh and by the way everyone google the word "failure" and see what pops up first.

1 comment:

JSM said...

I've been trying to figure the answer out for years... So let me know what you come up with, okay?