Friday, August 12, 2005

Leaving home...again

Well, it is time once again to bid Dyersburg farewell...farewell. I am almost done packing and then I am heading out. I am ready to get school over with, but not so excited to get back to studying, which I think is different from learning. Learning to me sounds fun, while studying sounds like work. Maybe if I look at it like learning I will look forward to it.
Anyway, this is the 6th summer of leaving i have done over my many, many college adventures. I should be my last. At least I hope so. Please God let it be.
I know that this town is boring, but I do get teary eyed every time I leave and I see it in the rearview mirror (I shouldn't cause as my track record shows I probably be back for an extended stay soon) but, it is not the building it is the people. I love you all!!
See ya Dyersburg.

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