God's a safe house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax, you are never sorry you knocked.....Psalms 9:9-10.
Here are some random pics from Graduation .
Dennis and I waiting to walk out of the auditorium
The Honduras crew
Kristen and I on the Fork lift
Judy and I waiting to walk
Justin and Cara
Kristen and Kevin at Laz Paz, the after party
Posted by
Saturday, August 19, 2006
HOORAY! We made it!
Hey... how'd you get more than three pics on your entry??
Dr. Anna -
You look so beautiful in all of your pics! We all need to start planning on where we are going to meet and when for our yearly get-together. My vote is Honduras. We just gotta get KDela to come along...
Sounds good to me, but think we should also go somewhere new too, like CSM, wherever they are...then we could learn something as well.
Judy you can put more pics on by clicking "add another pic"
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