Monday, July 24, 2006

Alaska and other things

Schools out for Summer
Schools out for summer

I am done with classes at Belmont
I am graduating in 2 weeks....August 11th 2006

I am done with classes!!!!!!!

The only thing I have to do now is study for my boards that I will take sometime in Sept.
I will have to study about 4 hours a day for about 6 weeks...yikes.

I have been looking for jobs with various companies. Some I've looked at are private companies and some are not, some are travel companies some are not.

I have looked into living in different states and in Tennessee

AND it has come down to this.....

To start I am accepting a job that will help me pay school loans off faster and allow me to start investing for my future.

I have always been an adventure type of person..and I am about to embark on the biggest adventure of my life.......

I have accepted a job in ALASKA!!! For a small community Hospital in Juno.

I know what ya'll are thinking...what am I thinking, but hear me out...

For signing a 3 year contract they are going to pay 75% of my loans back, and the salary in VERY competitive.

I know I have always said that I can live anywhere for a year, well let's see about 3 years.

Alaskan cruise anyone?


dinah lou said...

Anna, that's exciting! I never knew you were so adventurous. I'll buy you a husky for your sled as a housewarming gift :) I'm gonna miss you! But I know I'll see you every summer in Honduras.

Anonymous said...

Wow, way to go, ANNA! Paying off that much of your school loans - who could turn that down? I'm looking forward to tuning in to your blog in the future and hearing about your Alaskan adventures! See you at your graduation!


AnnaJane said...

Thanks guys for the encouragement. I know it will be an adjustment, but I think it will be an awesome experience as well.
I am going to have to knit Gracie a parka and snow boots.
I am going to miss everyone very much.