As many of you all know I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan

I started watching the show last Thanksgiving and by Dec 29th had watched all episodes of the first 5 seasons. And when season 6 came out on DVD in Sept I purchased and watched it as well. It has been very hard watching the season 7 in real time. Having to wait week to week is hard.
The end of season 6 and the start of season 7 have been rough. I did not agree to the way things have been going, and due to reports of a change in writers on the series ( and that this is the last yr) I have been afriad that the new writers would try and wrap it all up and not stick to the atmosphere that is "Gilmore Girls" I have to say that the last two episodes have left me mad, upset and a little angry.
I should have known last Thanksgiving when I was not able to stop watching the Season 1 dvds (an extremly long marathon) I was in trouble. I tend to let myself get wrapped up into shows. And even though I know it is just a tv show, I still find myself feeling real feelings.
I have been torn between whether I think Lorelai should be with Luke or Christopher for 7 seasons.....7. Just think if I had started watching the show from the beginning. That would mean I would have spent 6 and a half yrs battling this decsion. I am thankful that it has only been 1 yr.
I need help. I actually had the Ugly face cry after tonights show b/c I felt bad for Luke and sad that Rory's room is not hers anymore. I know I am slow to deal with change in real life, but man this is a show...with fake people. I need help.
Hi, my name is Anna and I am _______. I don't even know how to fill that in. Are there meetings for people like me?