The Waiting
I am going crazy waiting for the results of my exam. CRAZY!!!!!
God's a safe house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax, you are never sorry you knocked.....Psalms 9:9-10.
I am going crazy waiting for the results of my exam. CRAZY!!!!!
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Friday, September 29, 2006
6 days. I have six days until I take the PT exam. I am getting very nervous and anxious.
Please pray for me over the next few days that God will place a sense of peace and calm within my heart.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
First, I have finally made a decision about work......
I accepted a job on Monday (FOR REAL) with STAR PT. I will split my time between Dyersburg, Union City and the clinic at Goodyear. I like this split thing b/c I tend to get bored being at the same clinic all day everyday. I will also get to do sports coverage of Dyersburg High. GO TROJANS!!!(no snickering)
Second, UT lost to Florida. I did not get to see the game b/c I was at a wedding shower. I have many a thoughts but will not express them for fear of not stopping. I still love them though. That will never change.
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sometimes I wonder what is going through peoples minds...
Like for instance...
Sometimes when I am around adults who have seen me grow up I feel like they still view me as that..just a kid.
I know that they do not mean to and I know that it is probably an unconscious action, but sometimes it really burns me up.
I am still waiting to get to eat at the adult table at Thanksgiving and Christmas. That could be a blessing in disguise though, b/c I have one relative who likes to ask me at family dinners (in front of EVERYONE) "So, Anna how is your Love life?"
Ok, those who know me know that there are certain things in my life that I only discuss with certain people, and would rather die than talk about in front of Aunts, Uncles and the whole gammot. And who refers to it as your "love life" anyway?
I have another family member who likes to try and set me up on dates with anyone...and I mean anyone. Once they tried to set me up with a missionary from Africa who came to do a presentation at their church. They actually went as far as giving them one of my realtor business card. Humiliation.
I mean REALLY.....who does that?
Would they do that if I was in my 40 or 50s?....probably not
What makes them think it is ok to do that at 20?
My parents do it as dad more than my mom. This summer my dad, mom, Aunt June, Uncle John and I were standing in the driveway. They were about to go eat lunch, but I was just going to eat some leftover spaghetti that was in the fridge. Well, my dad made sure to inform me that I needed to heat it up in the microwave before I ate it...for at least a couple of min. Thanks dad...I would never have thought of that...glad you told me.
Here is another one...
It drives me up the wall to see that look of fear on new Mother's mothers' faces when they see that I am about to hold their newborn grandchild...(I'm talking about one of my Friend's mom who has known me since I was in 2nd grade). You know the look...the look of dread.... "Ok, Anna, this is how you hold your hands that.." And then they stand there with their hand hovering below the child like your going to get bored in a second and drop the kid.
I have never said it but sometimes I have wanted to say..."You know I have a degree that allows me to physically treat children who have severe medical conditions....but your right, holding a sleeping newborn can be tricky....but I got it"
I love all my family, friends and their families...sometimes they just make good stories.
peace out
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
I am in the Land that Time forgot....
Don't get me wrong...D-burg is inching toward thinking about advancement...but if you are in your 20s and single here you are not going to have a life here...Unless you want to spend your nights at the local Bar "Checkers" where you can shoot pool with anyone from your high school teacher to your neighbors granddad.
You might have seen K-Fed there, pre-Brittany and post, cause lets admit it...he does his wife beater proud.
Dyersburg does have a Movie Theatre, but the town is too small to DARE going it alone. Why can't it be like NYC where catching a movie alone is the norm. Here you would be cast into the pathetic pool..but you have probably already been thrown in there if you are not married by the time your 22.
I think my favorite comment is: "Anna, who are you dating?" (me): "No one" (them): " Oh don't worry..your a pretty still have time."
TIME?!!...TIME?!!....time for what? Time left before I become baron? Time left before my grey hairs overtake my brown ones? Time before I am placed in the pathetic old spinster biddy pool. Bring on the cats..oh wait ...I already have that taken care of. Give me a break.
I am going to be in 2 weddings in Oct. I do not have a problem being a bridesmaid. I love my friends and will support them...BUT, the first person who pulls me aside and says, "Just think..maybe this could be you next year" is going to get thrown in the chocolate wait they don't deserve the fountain..they will get thrown into the ginger ale, Sprite and orange sherbet punch bowl.
While I am on this subject.....
I am also annoyed by Church "Singles Class." Especially in small hometown congregations where you find a canyon between the participants ages that you would think your at the playboy mansion sitting next to Hugh.
What makes Leadership of the church think we would want to spend your time sitting in a room feeling like your on display in a storefront window.
You look to your left and see that your sitting next to the guy who taught your 5th grade Sunday school class..who came to the hospital when you were born.....that is niiiccce! Lets get real here...when you walk into a new congregation..and are bombarded with soon as they find out you are not permanently attached to a member of the opposite sex we all get herded in like cattle...some of us are willing participants but other are prodded with the electrostick. "Let's go Bessie..put your nice shiny bell on ...its time for market" It also seems that the topic of discussion always leans toward the newest best selling christian dating book by the lasted hot author. Why can't we discuss more meatier topics like the couples classes. A poorly run singles class is like quicksand and the only way out is to get hitched, then your allowed to mingle with the rest of the population. I'm sorry, if I wanted to be thrown into a vat of random aged singles I would go hang out at Checkers.
And doesn't it seem like your married friends, the ones who don't know their like ability score will decrease as soon you see the look in their eyes of them scrolling down their list of available men/women they know, always like to pull you over to the "new guy or new girl" to introduce you. Like we don't know. My closest friends know that the way to get me fired up is try and set me up.
Next topic: Am I an adult or just a kid who has a grown up job?
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Friday, September 08, 2006