I think I've got it
I just found the word verification tab.
Yes, I might be slow but I get there.
God's a safe house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax, you are never sorry you knocked.....Psalms 9:9-10.
I just found the word verification tab.
Yes, I might be slow but I get there.
Posted by
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Lets get this straight right now. If you are not making a legitimate post, go away.
I do not care what product you are selling. I do not want your cloths, perfume or body oils.
Posted by
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Is it really the week of fall break?
I thought I just got back from Panama.
Our class has already started the count down till Christmas break.
34 days left, not counting Fridays, weekends and holidays.
This week my intergration group is preparing for our teaching of the 1st years next week.
I remember sitting in intergration my first year wondering if I would ever be a 3rd year, and why does this semester seem to go on forever.
If it seems that I am sad it is almost over...I'm not, not yet anyway...too many projects, tests and practicals yet to come.
Posted by
Monday, October 10, 2005
Judy has informed me of a mistake on the blog intitled...Taaake me out to the ballgame..and it is not the word taake...that was on purpose. The Nashville Hockey team is not the Sounds, but the Predators. I am very sorry my little Canadian.
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
On Friday nights I play on a co-ed softball team in Brentwood. Last night I was playing third base. I had not been playing well and I decided to go back to the basics like catch with two hands. you know what I am talking about. We were in the last inning-2 outs-a dude at the plate. I hunker down and wait for Dinah to pitch...the guy hits the ball..straight at me...the ball curves to the right at the last second so I ihave to reach across my body with my left hand but I don't get it there..but oh.my right hand was there to catch the line drive (due to the basics). I stopped the ball dead with my index and middle fingers. I felt my fingers touch my wrist--backwards. I look down at my hand and see that those fingers are stunned into the paralytic world..which freaked me out. My fingers looked werid, which freaked me OUT.
I have caught many softball barehanded before, but this hurt. You wern't there..you don't know..it hurt bad.
Tears came..I think I even said "my hand is broken"
I couldn't move my fingers..whether it was due to pain, brokeness or that I was freaked out I don't know..yes I do...I was freaked out. My fingers are not broke. I now know that if I was not truely see deformation of one of my extremities I pretty sure I would pass out. I am going to be a PT...is that a problem?
Well, there is minimal swelling and tenderness, but my fingers are letting me know they are there. Actually, typing is making my 2nd and 3rd MTPs ache (the joints between the finger and hand).
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Saturday, October 01, 2005